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2752 keleuma {kel'-yoo-mah}   
源於 2753; TDNT - 3:656,*; 中性名詞   
AV - shout 1; 1   
1) 一個指令, 命令, 更確定地說, 指以一種吼叫, 呼喊的方式所發出, 以催逼採取行動的.    
   不論是動物被人叫喚驅策, 如馬被駕戰車的士兵催促, 獵犬被獵人呼叫等等; 或是給與人的   
   一個信號, 如船主給划船手的口令, 指揮官對士兵下達的命令(以口令或號角傳達)等等   

2752 keleuma {kel'-yoo-mah} from 2753; TDNT - 3:656,*; n n AV - shout 1; 1 1) an order, command, spec. a stimulating cry, either that by which animals are roused and urged on by man, as horses by charioteers, hounds by hunters, etc., or that by which a signal is given to men, e.g. to rowers by the master of a ship, to soldiers by a commander (with a loud summons, a trumpet call)

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