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2583 kanon {kan-ohn'}   
源自 kane (筆直的葦子, 亦即"杖"); TDNT - 3:596,414;陽性名詞   
AV - rule 4, line 1; 5   
1) 規則,標準 (#加 6:16; 腓 3:16|)   
2) (活動的方向與規劃) 指派,規劃 (#林後 10:13,15,16|)   

2583 kanon {kan-ohn'} from kane (a straight reed, i.e. rod); TDNT - 3:596,414; n m AV - rule 4, line 1; 5 1) a rod or straight piece of rounded wood to which any thing is fastened to keep it straight 1a) used for various purposes 1a1) a measuring rod, rule 1a2) a carpenter's line or measuring tape 1a3) the measure of a leap, as in the Olympic games 2) a definitely bounded or fixed space within the limits of which one's power of influence is confined 2a) the province assigned one 2b) one's sphere of activity 3) metaph. any rule or standard, a principle or law of investigating, judging, living, acting



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576