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2478 ischuros {is-khoo-ros'}   
源於 2479; TDNT - 3:397,378; 形容詞   
AV - mighty 10, strong 9, strong man 5, boisterous 1, powerful 1,   
     valiant 1; 27   
1) 強壯的, 大有能力   
  1a) 指生物體   
      1a1) 在肉體或心智上的強健   
      1a2) 指人在屬靈生命的堅強到可以承受住撒旦的攻擊, 強健而有許多優秀的表現   
  1b) 指無生物   
      1b1) 強壯的, 猛烈的, 狂暴的聲音, 結實牢固的, 必然的

2478 ischuros {is-khoo-ros'} from 2479; TDNT - 3:397,378; adj AV - mighty 10, strong 9, strong man 5, boisterous 1, powerful 1, valiant 1; 27 1) strong, mighty 1a) of living beings 1a1) strong either in body or in mind 1a2) of one who has strength of soul to sustain the attacks of Satan, strong and therefore exhibiting many excellences 1b) on inanimate things 1b1) strong, violent, forcibly uttered, firm, sure



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