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1342 dikaios {dik'-ah-yos}   
源於 1349; TDNT - 2:182,168; 形容詞   
AV - righteous 41, just 33, right 5, meet 2; 81   
1) 公義的, 遵行神的律法的   
   1a) 在廣義上而言, 指正直的, 公義的, 有品德的, 尊守神的命令的   
       1a1) 指以自己為公義的, 對自己的公義和道德引以為傲的, 不論其是名符其實的或只是自以為是的    
       1a2) 清白的, 無過犯的, 沒有罪的   
       1a3) 用以指那在思想, 感情, 和行為上都完全順從神的旨意的人, 因而在他的心思和生命   
            1a3a) 適當地說, 只指基督而言   
       1a4) 被神所喜悅或接納的   
   1b) 在狹義上而言, 指達到自己的每個義務責任, 而且在審判的地位上, 也對他人施行審判者,    

1342 dikaios {dik'-ah-yos} from 1349; TDNT - 2:182,168; adj AV - righteous 41, just 33, right 5, meet 2; 81 1) righteous, observing divine laws 1a) in a wide sense, upright, righteous, virtuous, keeping the commands of God 1a1) of those who seem to themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves to be righteous, who pride themselves in their virtues, whether real or imagined 1a2) innocent, faultless, guiltless 1a3) used of him whose way of thinking, feeling, and acting is wholly conformed to the will of God, and who therefore needs no rectification in the heart or life 1a3a) only Christ truly 1a4) approved of or acceptable of God 1b) in a narrower sense, rendering to each his due and that in a judicial sense, passing just judgment on others, whether expressed in words or shown by the manner of dealing with them



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