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5502 cheroubim {kher-oo-beem'}   
希伯來字 03742 的複數; TDNT - 9:438,1312; 複數中性名詞   
AV - cherubim 1; 1   
1) 基路伯, 固定約櫃蓋子上的兩個帶翅的活物的像, 約櫃原是放在以色列人的聖幕中的至聖所,    
   後被移至所羅門王所建的聖殿中的至聖所. 此二像面互相向, 臉朝下向著約櫃的蓋子, 以其   
   張開的翅遮蓋了約櫃. 在其二者中間的位置被認為是神所處的地方.   

5502 cheroubim {kher-oo-beem'} plural of Hebrew origin 03742; TDNT - 9:438,1312; n n pl AV - cherubim 1; 1 1) cherubim, two golden figures of living creatures with two wings; they were fastened to the lid of the ark of the covenant in the holy of holies (both at the sacred tabernacle and of Solomon's temple) in such a manner that their faces were turned towards each other and down towards the lid, which they overshadowed with their expanded wings. Between these figures God was regarded as having fixed his dwelling place.



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576