4773 suggenes {soong-ghen-ace'} 源自 4862 and 1085; TDNT - 7:736,1097; 形容詞 AV - kinsman 7, cousin 2, kinsfolk 2, kin 1; 12 1) 親戚, 相屬, 有血緣關係 2) 廣義指相同種族,同胞
4773 suggenes {soong-ghen-ace'} from 4862 and 1085; TDNT - 7:736,1097; adj AV - kinsman 7, cousin 2, kinsfolk 2, kin 1; 12 1) of the same kin, akin to, related by blood 2) in a wider sense, of the same nation, a fellow countryman