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4341 proskaleomai {pros-kal-eh'-om-ahee}   
源自4314 與 2564; TDNT - 3:500,*; 動詞   
AV - call unto 20, call 7, call for 2, call to 1; 30   
1) 召喚,呼叫,召來   
 2b)呼求神 (#徒 2:39|)   
2) 法律的或正式的召喚   
 2a)(法庭的)傳喚 (#太 18:32|)   
 2b)(聖靈發出的)呼召(擔任使命或工作) (#徒 13:2,16:19|)   

4341 proskaleomai {pros-kal-eh'-om-ahee} middle voice from 4314 and 2564; TDNT - 3:500,*; v AV - call unto 20, call 7, call for 2, call to 1; 30 1) to call to 2) to call to one's self 3) to bid to come to one's self 4) metaph. 4a) God is said to call to himself the Gentiles, aliens as they are from him, by inviting them, through the preaching of the gospel unto fellowship with himself in the Messiah's kingdom 4b) Christ and the Holy Sprit are said to call to themselves those preachers of the gospel to whom they have decided to intrust a service having reference to the extension of the gospel



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576