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4059 peritemno {per-ee-tem'-no}   
源自 4012 與5114的基礎型; TDNT - 6:72,831; 動詞   
AV - circumcise 18; 18   
1) 字面意思:繞著切下來   
2) 行割禮   
   2a) 主動語態    
   2b) 關身語態:自己受割禮,接受割禮   
   2c) 喻意的

4059 peritemno {per-ee-tem'-no} from 4012 and the base of 5114; TDNT - 6:72,831; v AV - circumcise 18; 18 1) to cut around 2) to circumcise 2a) cut off one's prepuce (used of that well known rite by which not only the male children of the Israelites, on the eighth day after birth, but subsequently also "proselytes of righteousness" were consecrated to Jehovah and introduced into the number of his people) 2b) to get one's self circumcised, present one's self to be circumcised, receive circumcision 2c) since by the rite of circumcision a man was separated from the unclean world and dedicated to God, the word is transferred to denote the extinguishing of lusts and the removal of sins



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576