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3008 leitourgeo {li-toorg-eh'-o}   
源於 3011; TDNT - 4:215,526; 動詞   
AV - minister 3; 3   
1) 自行支付來從事公職   
   1a) 擔付必須要自行支付所需的職務   
   1b) 從事要自己花費的公職   
   1c) 處理公眾的事(?)   
2) 進行服事, 完成工作   
   2a) 指祭司和利未人, 他們在聖幕或聖殿中負責關於神的儀禮   
   2b) 指基督徒對基督的服事, 不論是禱告, 教導別人有關救恩的道理, 或是其它的方法   
   2c) 指那些運用自己的資源來幫助別人, 減輕別人的匱乏的人   

3008 leitourgeo {li-toorg-eh'-o} from 3011; TDNT - 4:215,526; v AV - minister 3; 3 1) to serve the state at one's own cost 1a) to assume an office which must be administered at one's own expense 1b) to discharge a public office at one's own cost 1c) to render public service to the state 2) to do a service, perform a work 2a) of priests and Levites who were busied with the sacred rites in the tabernacle or the temple 2b) of Christians serving Christ, whether by prayer, or by instructing others concerning the way of salvation, or in some other way 2c) of those who aid others with their resources, and relieve their poverty



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576