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2030 epoptes {ep-op'-tace}   
from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 3700; TDNT - 5:373,706;陽性名詞   
AV - eyewitness 1; 1   
1) 監督, 檢視員   
2) 旁觀者, 任何事情的目擊證人 (#彼後 1:16|)   
這字是用以指曾參加第三級(即最高層次)的Eleusinian奧秘慶典儀式的人而言; 在古希臘時,    
這是在Eleusis和Athens每年一度的大事, 用以紀念冥府女王(Persephone,Hades之妻)的   
被誘拐和歸回, 並榮耀Demeter女神(司農業,豐饒,結婚)和Bacchus(酒神)的事蹟.    
希臘神話中, Persephone是女神Demeter的女兒, 當Persephone有一次在野外採集花卉時,    
被Hades強擄至地府. Demeter在傷心之餘自願降至凡間, 到Eleusis的一戶人家作褓母, 當其   
身分意外被發現後, 她要求當地人為她蓋一座神廟. 因其哀慟, 拒絕回到奧林匹亞山上眾神那裡, 並   
且拒絕讓土地能有生產, 最後由宙斯派神至地府向Hades討回了她的女兒Persephone.

2030 epoptes {ep-op'-tace} from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 3700; TDNT - 5:373,706; n m AV - eyewitness 1; 1 1) an overseer, inspector 2) spectator, eye witness of anything This was the name given to those who had attained to the third, i.e the highest grade of the Eleusinian mysteries; these were celebrated annually at Eleusis and Athens in ancient times, in memory of the abduction and return of Persephone and in honour of Demeter and Bacchus.



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